"Juyondai Honmaru Hiden Tamakaeshi Special Junmai" is produced by Takagi Shuzo in Yamagata Prefecture. With a history spanning over 400 years, Takagi Shuzo perfectly combines traditional craftsmanship with modern brewing methods, dedicating themselves to sincere and meticulous sake production.
In creating the "Juyondai" series, Takagi Shuzo not only emphasizes traditional techniques but also actively adopts modern technology. By using their own developed sake rice and combining it with exquisite brewing techniques, they create a unique taste and aroma. The "Juyondai" series enjoys an extremely high reputation in the Japanese sake world, often ranking at the top of various sake rankings.
Sake Grade:
"Honmaru Hiden Tamakaeshi" belongs to the Special Junmai grade. Although not the highest grade of Daiginjo, its quality and taste far surpass ordinary Junmai sake, earning it the reputation of being "a Junmai that doesn't taste like Junmai."
Brewing Characteristics:
The most distinctive feature of this sake is the use of the special brewing technique called "Hiden Tamakaeshi." While the specific details of the technique are the brewer's secret, this method is believed to enhance the quality and flavor characteristics of the sake.
High-quality local rice from Yamagata Prefecture is used as the main ingredient. Takagi Shuzo has also developed unique sake rice varieties to ensure the uniqueness and excellence of their sake quality.
Water Source:
The water used in the brewing process comes from the snow melt of Yamagata's severe winter. This pure snow water is considered one of the key factors in creating the sake's smooth quality.
Taste Profile:
When tasting, you'll experience a smooth and delicate mouthfeel, with flavors that gradually spread in the mouth, offering rich layers. The body exhibits a clear fruit taste, representative of the Juyondai series style.
It has a fresh and pleasant fruit aroma, accompanied by subtle rice notes.
Pairing Suggestions:
As a sake with a smooth taste and rich layers, it can be paired with various Japanese dishes, especially suitable for light sashimi, tempura, or grilled fish.
Brand Positioning:
"Honmaru Hiden Tamakaeshi" is a relatively accessible product in the Juyondai series, aimed at providing a high-quality Japanese sake experience at a reasonable price. It is one of the representative works of the Juyondai brand, beloved by sake enthusiasts.
Brewing Philosophy:
Takagi Shuzo adheres to the philosophy of "brewing without cutting corners until the very end," pouring their heart and soul into every aspect of the brewing process to create sake of outstanding quality. This dedication is fully reflected in "Honmaru Hiden Tamakaeshi."
Volume: 1800ml
Manufacturing Date: 24.03
Alcohol Content: 15%