Privacy Policy Statement

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is protectedThis privacy policy statement explains the various personal data we collect and how we process and protect it

We will treat your personal data confidentially at all times and ensure that our policies and practices regarding collection, use, storage, disclosure, transfer, confidentiality and access to personal data are in compliance with Hong Kong laws and regulations

Personal Data Collection Statement ("This Statement")

This Statement is issued by FROM THE MALT LIMITED, collectively ("we") in connection with the operation of our retail business in accordance with the Privacy Ordinance

1. This statement will be updated from the effective date

2. 定義


“資料庫” 指儲存我們客戶個人資料的database
"Effective Date" is January 1, 2023
“Our Applications” are applications operated by us that are available on designated mobile devices
“Our Customer Hotline” The service hotline number listed on our website or our App
"Our store" includes "FROM THE MALT LIMITED" and other forms of retail stores (including online or physical stores) that we may operate from time to time..
“Privacy Ordinance” means the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong)
“Personal data” has the same meaning as “personal data” under the Privacy Ordinance
"Our Website"
"Registered Customer" is a customer who has registered an account on our application or our website
"Retail products or services" means the provision of product sales and services (whether through physical or online channels) for the following: food, drinking water and beverages, restaurants, catering, groceries and household products, lifestyle goods, daily necessities, Health and beauty, medicines, perfumes and cosmetics, baby products, alcohol, cigarettes and cigars, stationery, books and paper products, candy and toys, clothes, shoes, textiles, pet products, fashion accessories, bags and luggage, Jewelry, watches, furniture, plants and related items, stationery, sports and leisure products, phones and mobile devices, electronic and electrical products, computer software and games, music, pet supplies, fuel, automobile services, educational products and services

Personal Data: What and why we collect personal data

3. To become a registered customer and enjoy our various products and services, you need to provide us with certain necessary personal dataWe may also ask you to provide other information to help us provide and select products and services that we think will be of interest to you.The types of personal information we may collect include your name, address, email, phone number, date of birth, gender, age, shopping preferences and hobbies, etc.

4. We have the right to collect, store, process and/or use personal data in the database as described in the StatementIf you are unable or unwilling to provide comprehensive and accurate personal information, we may not be able to provide or continue to provide you with our various products and services

About the use of your personal information

5. You agree that we can use and save the personal information you provide to us, and when you use our website and/or our application Information for:
processing your application as a registered customer;
providing you with our services;
normal management, operation and maintenance of our website and/or our applications;
Provide you with periodic information, including details of our retail operations and related rewards;
Provide you with retail products or services that you request;
Process purchase orders from our stores, including verifying your payment details/ Status;
Carry out draws, games or competitions in which you participate;
Sort and analyze data so that we can understand your characteristics and purchasing behavior, provide you with other services that better meet your needs, and assist us in selecting Retail products or services that may be of interest to you;;
New services designed and provided to you by us, our associated companies and/or our subsidiaries, or improvements to existing services;
Investigation of complaints, complaints Suspected suspicious transactions and research service improvement measures;
prevention and detection of crime;
making disclosures in accordance with legislation; and
comprehensive behavioral analysis

6. When we obtain your consent or express no objection, we will use your personal information to conduct direct marketing to you in the following related matters (whether by mail, email, telephone, SMS or channels whether currently used or available in the future)

7. We may disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or overseas) your personal data to agents or contractors who are responsible for confidentiality to us. suppliers to provide us with management, data analysis, marketing and research, telecommunications services, professional services or other similar services

8. When reorganizing our retail business and/or merging, selling or transferring (including some or all of our assets or equity) with us or a third party, we may disclose or transfer (whether In Hong Kong or overseas) your personal data will be used, held, processed or retained by the relevant actual or proposed transferee for the purposes described in Sections 5 and 6 of this Statement.

Browsing information collected from you (Cookies)

9. When you enter our website, our applications and our other related websites (collectively, "these Website"), we use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about youCookies are files that store information on your computer's hard drive or browserThis means we can recognize that you have visited these sites beforeWe use cookies to evaluate your usage, browsing and shopping habits on these websites, personalize your website experience and evaluate your activities on these websites, so as to make these websites easier to use and provide you with the best experience

10. The types of information we may collect from you when you enter these websites include:
Information about the type of browser you use;
Details of the web pages you have viewed ;
Your Internet Protocol address (IP address);
The hyperlink you clicked; and
The website you visited before entering our website

11. You can refuse to accept Cookies by modifying the relevant Internet or browser option settings of your computer system, but you may not be able to use or activate all functions and services of these websites.

Your rights over your personal data

12. You have the right to:

Check whether we hold any personal data about you;
Check what personal data we hold about you data;
request that we correct any inaccurate personal data;
find out our policies and practices in relation to personal data (from time to time) and the categories of personal data we hold;
request no to receive direct marketing messages from us

To make any of the above requests, please write to the following address:
For any inquiries, please call our customer hotline

13. In accordance with the Privacy Ordinance, we have the right to charge a reasonable processing fee for requests to access personal data.

Protect your personal data

14. We take appropriate technical and corporate measures to protect the personal data you provide us from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or Access your personal data

15. Our website may contain hyperlinks to other websites provided by third parties We cannot regulate these third party websites or any content on these websitesOnce you leave our website, we are not responsible for protecting your information and privacyYou should exercise caution and check the privacy statements of the websites you visit

About using these websites

16. When you choose to use, visit or download these websites, or allow your device to connect to these websites via Wi-Fi, we will receive information about you. location and mobile device data, including your customized device's unique identifier, Global Positioning System (GPS) data or Wireless Network data (WLAN) Your location data is neither stored nor passed on to third partiesIf you agree to use the positioning function and/or activate the notification function on your mobile device, we can provide you with positioning information services, including advertisements, search results and personalized contentIf you agree to receive communications and advertising, we may send you push email communications or notifications (such as recommended promotions and products) based on your geolocation data services and/or your previous online activities when you are near our stores. )

Most mobile devices allow you to turn off location services and push notifications on your deviceIf you wish to do this, please adjust the notification settings on your mobile device to reflect your personal preferencesWe will notify you by following the relevant instructions on your mobile device


17. This statement does not limit your rights protected by the Privacy Ordinance

18. This statement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

29. We may update this statement from time to time, and the latest version will be posted on our website and our applications

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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.