Macallan 12 Year Old Triple Cask 瓶裝 350ml 麥卡倫12年黃金三桶 Macallan 12 Year Old Triple Cask 瓶裝 350ml 麥卡倫12年黃金三桶 quick view

Macallan 12 Year Old Triple Cask bottled 350ml Macallan 12 Year Old Triple Cask

$480.00 $298.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 350mlAlcohol content: 40%The Macallan Triple Cask Matured 12 Years Old is made from three types of alcohol in one. Matured in European sherry...
Macallan 12 Years Double Cask Single Malt Whisky 盒裝 700ml 麥卡倫12年雙桶 quick view

Macallan 12 Years Double Cask Single Malt Whiskey Box 700ml Macallan 12 Years Double Cask

$680.00 $588.00
All products Best Selling Products hot deals New Year Recommendations Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol: 40%The Macallan ships fresh American oak across thousands of miles to Spain, Spain uses traditional hand-made oak barrels, and after moistening the...
Macallan 12 Years Single Malt Sherry Oak Whisky 雪莉桶 盒裝 12支原箱 Macallan 12 Years Single Malt Sherry Oak Whisky 雪莉桶 盒裝 12支原箱 quick view

Macallan 12 Years Single Malt Sherry Oak Whiskey Sherry Barrel Box of 12 Original Boxes

$9,980.00 $8,198.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol Content: 40%One of the Sherry Oak series, The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years Old, is a selection of various single malt whiskies...
The Macallan 18 Years Old Sherry Cask 700ml 麥卡倫18年雪莉桶 quick view

The Macallan 18 Years Old Sherry Cask 700ml The Macallan 18 Years Old Sherry Cask

$4,800.00 $3,880.00
All products Best Selling Products Featured Offers Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 43%Origin: Scotland The Macallan Sherry Oak 18 Years Old is a selection of single malt whiskeys, mainly matured in carefully selected...
Macallan Reflexion Macallan Reflexion quick view

Macallan Reflexion

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Macallan Reflexion is a bold and full-bodied single malt whisky with an intense natural color. As part of The Macallan Masters Decanter Series, Reflexion...
The Macallan Oscuro Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml 麥卡倫深棕魅力單一麥芽威士忌 The Macallan Oscuro Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml 麥卡倫深棕魅力單一麥芽威士忌 quick view

The Macallan Oscuro Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml 麥卡倫深棕魅力單一麥芽威士忌

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
容量:700ml酒精度:46.5% Macallan Oscuro源自1987年至1997年間的麥芽威士忌,是一款深沉、豐富且令人滿足的威士忌。其名稱"Oscuro"在西班牙語中意為"黑暗",靈感來自於其雪莉桶陳釀的傳統和豐富的口感。 精湛的時間藝術Macallan Oscuro完全使用Oscuro雪莉桶陳釀。其中大部分為首次填充的雪莉桶,賦予了威士忌深邃的色澤和濃郁的風味。 當橡木桶達到最佳陳釀時機,威士忌會以麥卡倫莊園地下深處的天然泉水稀釋至46.5%的酒精度。隨後再在沉睡的橡木桶中陳釀至少六個月,讓風味充分融合。最後在室溫下不經冷凝過濾直接裝瓶,為您呈現最純正的口感。 品鑒體驗顏色:燃燒的銅色香氣:成熟的林間果實、黑巧克力、橙子和奶油香草口感:細膩的果香、豐富的甜味和香料,乾無花果、成熟的橙子,帶有一絲清脆蘋果的味道餘韻:圓潤持久,伴隨著溫暖的木煙味 這款極其限量的麥卡倫威士忌展現了品牌自1824年成立以來對木桶和酒液完美掌控的不懈追求,體現了麥卡倫超越平凡、追求卓越的永恆願景。
The Macallan 1841 Replica Single Malt Scotch Whisky The Macallan 1841 Replica Single Malt Scotch Whisky quick view

The Macallan 1841 Replica Single Malt Scotch Whiskey

$9,800.00 $9,200.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products OLD AND RARE The Macallan Whiskey
Macallan 1841 Replica is a single malt whiskey, the third in The Macallan's acclaimed Replica(Reissue) series. Released in 2003, it mimics the style of...
Macallan Enigma湛藍單一麥芽威士忌 700ml quick view

Macallan Enigma Blue Single Malt Whiskey 700ml

$2,600.00 $2,380.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Macallan Enigma single malt whiskey is a very representative whiskey in the Macallan Discovery Series. This 700ml whiskey is renowned for its depth of...
Macallan Harmony Collection Inspired By Intense Arabica 700ml 麥卡倫阿拉比卡之旅 quick view

Macallan Harmony Collection Inspired By Intense Arabica 700ml Macallan Arabica Journey

$2,400.00 $2,000.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 44%The Macallan The Macallan annual limited series "The Harmony Collection" launches the second model in the series "The Harmony Collection Inspired...
Macallan Concept Number 2 Single Malt Whisky 2019 盒裝 700ml 麥卡倫概念2號限量版 Macallan Concept Number 2 Single Malt Whisky 2019 盒裝 700ml 麥卡倫概念2號限量版 quick view

Macallan Concept Number 2 Single Malt Whiskey 2019 Box 700ml Macallan Concept Number 2 Limited Edition

$3,600.00 $2,280.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 40%Macallan Concept Number 2 Single Malt Whiskey ) is a limited edition whiskey designed specifically for the global travel duty-free market....
Macallan Classic Cut 2020 盒裝 700ml quick view

Macallan Classic Cut 2020 Box 700ml

$3,800.00 $2,800.00
All products Best Selling Products Featured Offers Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 52.9%Origin: Scotland The Macallan Classic Cut - 2020 Edition is the third in the annual limited edition classic replica series. The...
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The Macallan 12 Years Old Triple Cask 700ml 麥卡倫12年黃金三桶 The Macallan 12 Years Old Triple Cask 700ml 麥卡倫12年黃金三桶 quick view

The Macallan 12 Years Old Triple Cask 700ml The Macallan 12 Years Old Triple Cask

$680.00 $598.00
All products Best Selling Products Featured Offers Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 40%Origin: Scotland The Macallan Triple Cask Matured 12 Years Old is made from three spirits in one, matured in European sherry...
The Macallan 12 Years Old Sherry Cask 700ml 麥卡倫12年雪莉桶 The Macallan 12 Years Old Sherry Cask 700ml 麥卡倫12年雪莉桶 quick view

The Macallan 12 Years Old Sherry Cask 700ml The Macallan 12 Years Old Sherry Cask

$920.00 $728.00
All products Best Selling Products Featured Offers Newest Products The Macallan Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 40%Origin: Scotland The Macallan Sherry Oak 12 Years Old, one of the Sherry Oak series, features a selection of single malt...

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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.