Hendrick's Gin 700ml 亨利爵士琴酒 Hendrick's Gin 700ml 亨利爵士琴酒 quick view

Hendrick's Gin 700ml Sir Henry's Gin

$620.00 $343.00
All products Best Selling Products Clearance drastically reduced Gin Hendrick's Gin Newest Products Summer Value Selection
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 44%Strictly selected thirteen special raw materials, traditional and special brewing process, and With its unique aroma and taste, it was first...
Hendrick's Neptunia Gin 700ml 亨利爵士海神琴酒 Hendrick's Neptunia Gin 700ml 亨利爵士海神琴酒 quick view

Hendrick's Neptunia Gin 700ml 亨利爵士海神琴酒

$680.00 $418.00
All products Best Selling Products Hendrick's Gin Newest Products
酒精度:43.4%容量:700mL 神秘的海洋風情,毫無疑問的HENDRICK'S風味海洋是萬物之源!受到清新海岸空氣的激勵,並被海洋無窮無盡的生命奧秘所吸引,Lesley Gracie女士萌生了一個大膽的想法:她渴望將海岸的感官享受變成一款琴酒。於是,HENDRICK'S NEPTUNIA GIN誕生了。 HENDRICK'S NEPTUNIA GIN是一款限量發行的琴酒,捕捉了海洋的魔力。這是Hendrick首款海洋主題的產品,融合了海岸植物的清新氣息,並以HENDRICK'S標誌性的黃瓜和玫瑰組合為基礎,最終帶來驚人的順滑柑橘風味。 HENDRICK'S NEPTUNIA GIN是製作各種琴酒雞尾酒的迷人基底,尤其適合以下經典琴酒調製:其複雜而順滑的口感讓GIN & TONIC充滿風味;Curious Margarita因其而增添深度;HENDRICK'S NEPTUNIA GIN也是Gin Gimlet的絕佳基底。探索其他以海洋為靈感的雞尾酒,與HENDRICK'S首款也是唯一的海岸琴酒一起享受美好時光。 不要對您的HENDRICK'S NEPTUNIA GIN冒險保密!分享您的照片、畫作或雕刻作品,展示您與HENDRICK'S NEPTUNIA GIN雞尾酒的合影。我們敢您這麼做!奇特的服裝和名字(無論是您還是雞尾酒)都是可選的。 受海洋奧秘啟發,Hendrick’s首席釀酒師Lesley Gracie女士利用她的化學背景和對植物搭配的迷戀,將蘇格蘭崎嶇的艾爾郡海岸精華封裝在Hendrick’s...
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Hendrick's Gin 1000ml 亨利爵士琴酒 quick view

Hendrick's Gin 1000ml Sir Henry's Gin

$680.00 $448.00
All products Best Selling Products Gin Hendrick's Gin Newest Products
Capacity: 1000mlAlcohol content: 44%Strictly selected thirteen special raw materials, a traditional and special brewing process, and a unique aroma and taste. It was first...
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Hendrick's Lunar Gin Limited Release 700ml 亨利爵士月神琴酒 quick view

Hendrick's Lunar Gin Limited Release 700ml Sir Henry Lunar Gin

$680.00 $488.00
All products Best Selling Products Gin Hendrick's Gin Newest Products
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 43.4%The "Hendrick's Lunar Gin" launched in 2021, in addition to continuing Sir Henry's unique bottle shape, the bottle label The dark...
Hendrick's Gin 英式茶杯禮盒 1000ml 亨利爵士琴酒 Hendrick's Gin 英式茶杯禮盒 1000ml 亨利爵士琴酒 quick view

Hendrick's Gin English Tea Cup Gift Set 1000ml Sir Henry's Gin

$680.00 $498.00
All products Best Selling Products Gin Hendrick's Gin Newest Products
Capacity: 1000mlAlcohol content: 44%Strictly selected thirteen special raw materials, traditional and special brewing process, and With its unique aroma and taste, it was first...

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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.