Capacity: 750ml
Alcohol content: 40%
Monkey Shoulder is a Scottish blended malt whiskey popular among young consumers. This whiskey is a blend of single malt whiskeys produced by three famous Speyside distilleries. Its name comes from "monkey shoulder", an occupational disease that workers may suffer from during the traditional malt churn process.
This whiskey has a unique bottle design with three monkeys on the label, representing the combination of three different single malt whiskeys. The alcohol content of Monkey Shoulder is 40% (80 proof) and 750 ml. It is affordable and suitable for daily enjoyment or as a cocktail base at parties.
Beautifully golden in color, Monkey Shoulder displays sweet aromas of vanilla, cream and honey, with hints of oak and toast. The palate is smooth, with fruit and spice notes, and the finish is mild and persistent. This whiskey is suitable for drinking straight, or with ice or water to release more flavor. It is also an excellent choice for making cocktails such as Old Fashioned or Whisky Sour.
Whether you are a beginner in whiskey or a lover looking for a new taste, Monkey Shoulder Premium Blended Malt Scotch Whiskey is a reasonably priced and high-quality choice.