Capacity: 750ml
Alcohol content: 43%
Nikka Gold & Gold Samurai Helmet Whiskey is a unique Japanese blended whiskey famous for its unique bottle design - Samurai Helmet decoration. This whiskey is blended from malt whiskey and grain whiskey brewed by Nikka’s two major distilleries, Yoichi and Miyagikyo, and combines the flavor characteristics of the two distilleries.
With an alcohol content of 43%, this whiskey displays a delicate and fresh floral and sweet aroma, accompanied by herbal and mint notes. On the palate, it has subtle sweetness, fruit flavor and a hint of spice, presenting a balanced and complex taste.
As a limited-edition whiskey that symbolizes the traditional Japanese samurai spirit, Nikka Gold & Gold Samurai Helmet is not only highly praised for its taste, but also extremely attractive in terms of collections and gifts. Whether you are a whiskey lover or a lover of Japanese culture, this whiskey is an excellent choice.