户河內威士忌抹茶利口酒 Togouchi Whisky Blended Matcha Liqueur 500ml
户河內威士忌抹茶利口酒 Togouchi Whisky Blended Matcha Liqueur 500ml
户河內威士忌抹茶利口酒 Togouchi Whisky Blended Matcha Liqueur 500ml
户河內威士忌抹茶利口酒 Togouchi Whisky Blended Matcha Liqueur 500ml
户河內威士忌抹茶利口酒 Togouchi Whisky Blended Matcha Liqueur 500ml

Togouchi Whiskey Matcha Liqueur Togouchi Whiskey Blended Matcha Liqueur 500ml

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Liqueur 利口酒

Capacity: 500ml
Alcohol content: 18%

Togouchi whiskey as the base, mixed with Matcha liqueur

Aroma : The deep aroma of matcha is complemented by the subtle peat aroma of whiskey, while the aroma of vanilla is also blended softly.
Taste: The slightly bitter and umami-rich matcha perfectly combines with the vanilla aroma of whiskey and a smooth honey-like taste, with a long aftertaste.
Ingredients: Using Kyoto Uji matcha with a rich aroma. By making it into infused liquor, we succeeded in extracting the unique deep tea flavor and achieving an appropriate bitterness and full flavor.
Cocktails: Comes with original cocktail recipes that are easy to make at home.

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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.