磯自慢 28 Nobilmente 大吟釀 2023 720ml

Isoziman 28 Nobilmente Daiginjo 2023 720ml

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Capacity: 720ml
Alcohol content: 16%

This wine is carefully crafted from Yamada Nishiki from Tojo Akitsu in the Special A area of ​​Hyogo Prefecture It is cultivated and refined to 28%. Whether it is koji or rice, 100% high-quality Yamada Nishiki is used. The brewers spend about 50 days carefully cultivating the mash (もろみ), then put it into clean wine bags and put it in the tank without applying excessive pressure to ensure that the wine can be squeezed slowly. One hour before the loading operation begins, 65 liters of pure alcohol will be added to each ton of white rice. This step helps to release the aroma components hidden in the rice, making the finished wine not only full of fruity aroma, but also with A feeling of clarity. This Daiginjo undoubtedly lives up to its name of Nobilmente (meaning noble, high-quality, and temperamental). It is a new high-end Japanese sake launched by Isojiman.

At the G7 Summit in Japan in 2016, it was selected as the toast for the conference dinner. It immediately received unanimous praise from all conferences and was able to be on the stage of large-scale international conferences, which is really a big deal.

Suitable drinking temperature: cold drink
Aroma and taste: fruity, slightly sweet, clear and smooth to the throat
Food pairing: shellfish, seafood, white fish, shrimp and crab, sushi
Drinking advice: It is recommended to sober up before drinking. It usually takes about 2 hours. To sober up, open the bottle cap, then close the bottle cap and leave it for 2 hours. The temperature should be controlled at about 10-15 degrees

Introduction to sake breweries
Isojiman Shuzo is a traditional brewery founded in 1830 in Yakuzu. The Japanese sake it brews is deeply loved and has received world-class reviews. This historic winery is known for its aromatic, fruit-like aroma and depth of flavor. About 70% of the water used for brewing is taken from the Oigawa River, the source of the Hakuho Sanzan and Mano Mountains in the Southern Alps. The key raw material for brewing, sake rice, is carefully selected from high-quality sake brewing rice from all over the country. Especially Yamada Nishiki. Isojiman Brewery mainly uses Yamada Nishiki produced in Tojo, Hyogo Prefecture, and brews it according to different areas of the fields. It has launched the famous Blue Bottle series, which is similar to the AOC in the wine world. An innovative attempt at the hierarchical system of (legal production area naming control).

With the increasing interest in safe and high-quality food in recent years, Isojiman Shuzo has also begun to emphasize the importance of "terroir" in Japanese sake brewing. Since 2017, the brewery has launched the highest-grade Japanese sake in history, which is made using 19% rice polishing. In addition, it has won numerous awards in various alcoholic beverage competitions and has attracted worldwide attention as the toast wine at the Lake Toya Summit. In the future, Izoman Brewery will undoubtedly continue to become the focus of the industry.

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