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Bowmore Vault Edition Second Release Single Malt Whisky 700ml

Bowmore Vault Edition Second Release Single Malt Whiskey 700ml

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$1,100.00 $868.00

Bowmore Vault Edition Second Release is a special edition whiskey released by Bowmore Distillery. The whiskey is matured in the famous No.1 Vaults, a collection of cellars renowned for their location and unique maritime microclimate, conditions that give the whiskey its unparalleled flavour.

Each whiskey in this series is designed to showcase the essence of Bowmore whiskey making, and the second edition particularly emphasizes the perfection of peat smoke. With an alcohol concentration of 50.1%, it is a powerful and rich whiskey.

Bowmore Vault Edition 2 is usually a deep amber in color, and the aroma is full of smoke, sea salt, citrus and sweet fruit. On the palate, you can expect deep peat notes, a complex intertwining of dark chocolate and ripe fruit, and subtle vanilla and oak finish.

This whiskey is one of four Vault Editions, each dedicated to showcasing a unique aspect of Bowmore Whiskey. The second edition is especially sought after by collectors and whiskey enthusiasts, not only for its unique flavor but also for its rarity in the market.

Overall, BowmoreBowmore Vault Edition Second Release is a single malt whiskey that expresses the characteristics of Islay, suitable for those looking for a unique smoky feeling and a deep taste experience The whiskey connoisseur.

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