Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml

All products Best Selling Products hot deals New Year Recommendations Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16% Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo. It has an...
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獺祭 二割三分 純米大吟釀 瓶裝 1800ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 1800ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 1800mlAlcohol content: 16% Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo. It has an...
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Dassai 23 Centrifugal Separation Junmai Daiginjo 720ml Produced in July 2024 quick view

Dassai 23 Centrifugal Separation Junmai Daiginjo 720ml Produced in July 2024

$998.00 $878.00
All products Best Selling Products hot deals New Year Recommendations Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Dassai Junmai Daiginjo 23% Polished Centrifugation Detailed Explanation of Centrifugation Technology What is Centrifugation? Centrifugation is a separation process that leverages centrifugal force: -...
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獺祭 三割九分 純米大吟釀 盒裝 1800ml quick view

Dassai Three Cuts and Nine Points Junmai Daiginjo Boxed 1800ml

$768.00 $528.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 1800mlAlcohol content: 16% When you drink it, it exudes a gorgeous and rich aroma, with a sweetness like honey, and a long aftertaste....
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獺祭 二割三分 純米大吟釀 1800ml 獺祭 二割三分 純米大吟釀 1800ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo 1800ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 1800mlAlcohol content: 16%Carton/wooden box shipped randomly Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo....
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獺祭 二割三分 純米大吟釀 盒裝 720ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo Box 720ml

$598.00 $468.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16% Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo. It has an...
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獺祭 三割九分 純米大吟釀 瓶裝 720ml quick view

Dassai 30% Junmai Daiginjo, bottled 720ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol Content: 16% Daiginjo Dassai 39 is a famous Japanese Junmai Daiginjo sake brewed by Asahi Shuzo. This sake is renowned for its...
Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml

$438.00 $268.00
All products Best Selling Products hot deals New Year Recommendations Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16% Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo. It has an...
Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml

$1,288.00 $768.00
All products Best Selling Products hot deals New Year Recommendations Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16% Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo. It has an...

獺祭 三割九分 純米大吟醸 180ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
容量:180ml酒精度:16%製造年月:23.03 獺祭 三割九分是日本著名的純米大吟釀清酒,由旭酒造釀造而成。這款清酒以其卓越的品質和獨特的風味而聞名,深受清酒愛好者的喜愛。 「三割九分」表示這款清酒的精米步合為39%,即每粒米僅保留39%的核心部分,其餘的61%則被磨去。這樣高的精米步合確保了清酒的純淨和細膩口感,是清酒中的頂級之選。 獺祭 三割九分具有新鮮醇美的花果香氣,入口後帶有微微的甘甜,酒質高雅,口感柔和且層次豐富。這款清酒在釀造過程中使用了遠心分離技術,進一步提升了其純淨度和風味表現。 飲用建議這款清酒適合在冷藏後飲用,以最佳地體現其清爽和細膩的風味。無論是單獨品嚐還是搭配高級料理,如壽司和刺身,都是不錯的選擇。  
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獺祭 45 純米大吟釀 瓶裝 1800ml quick view

Dassai 45 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 1800ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 1800mlAlcohol content: 16% "If it's not delicious, it's meaningless." This is the standard of Dassai. Yamada Nishiki is ground to only 45%, with...
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獺祭 45 純米大吟釀 瓶裝 720ml quick view

Dassai 45 Junmai Daiginjo bottled 720ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16% "If it's not delicious, it's meaningless." This is the standard of Dassai. Yamada Nishiki is ground to only 45%, with...
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獺祭 三割九分 純米大吟釀 瓶裝 1800ml quick view

Dassai 30% Junmai Daiginjo, bottled 1800ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 1800mlAlcohol content: 16% When you drink it, it exudes a gorgeous and rich aroma, with a sweetness like honey, and a long aftertaste....
獺祭 三割九分 純米大吟釀 盒裝 720ml quick view

Dassai Three Cuts and Nine Points Junmai Daiginjo Boxed 720ml

$398.00 $248.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16% When you drink it, it exudes a gorgeous and rich aroma, with a sweetness like honey, and a long and...
獺祭燒酎 720ml quick view

Dassai Shochu 720ml

$598.00 $428.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products Shochu 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720ml Alcohol content: 39%Raw materials: sake, wine grains Dassai Shochu is distilled from the dregs of Junmai Daiginjo. Japanese Shochu is usually expressed...
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獺祭 磨之先驅 純米大吟醸 禮盒裝 720ml 2023新貨 quick view

Dassai Pioneer of Grinding Junmai Daiginjo, Gift Box 720ml (New Arrival in 2023)

$2,988.00 $2,288.00
All products Best Selling Products New Year Recommendations Newest Products PREMIUM SAKE top sake 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16%Production date: 23.08QualityThe pioneer of Dassai Mill, its rice polishing accuracy and quality are beyond the ordinary level. In recent years,...

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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.