Capacity: 700ml
Alcohol content: 43%
Lagavulin 16 Years Old is a world-renowned single malt Scotch whiskey from the picturesque of Islay. This whiskey is known for its unique smoky flavour, rich peat aroma and maritime notes, and is regarded as a model of Islay style whiskey.
The deep amber color and complex aroma structure make it unforgettable. In its aroma, you can recognize strong peat smoke, along with the saltiness of seawater, caramelized apples and the sweetness of cookie crust. On the palate, it displays a layered flavour, from mild sweetness on the palate to spicy peat that develops, leaving a long and evocative finish.
Overall, Lagavulin 16-year-old is a work that represents the essence of Eli whiskey craftsmanship. Its long-term aging makes the flavor layered and the aftertaste long. Whether for whiskey lovers or those looking for a high-quality drinking experience, Lagavulin 16 Years Old is a choice worth savoring.