Juyondai Banshu Aiyama Jyosohaku Junmai Daiginjo 1800ml 十四代 播州愛山 上諸白 純米大吟醸 quick view

Juyondai Banshu Aiyama Jyosohaku Junmai Daiginjo 1800ml 十四代 播州愛山 上諸白 純米大吟醸

$4,200.00 $3,200.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products PREMIUM SAKE 十四代 清酒 Sake
Juyondai Banshu Aiyama Jyosohaku Junmai Daiginjo is produced by Takagi Shuzo in Yamagata Prefecture. With a history spanning over 400 years, Takagi Shuzo perfectly...
Ozeki Brewery Homemade Lemon Sour Base 900ml Ozeki Brewery Homemade Lemon Sour Base 900ml quick view

Ozeki Brewery Homemade Lemon Sour Base 900ml

$280.00 $168.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 大容量超值選
Using 30ml of base liquor mixed with soda water in a 1:3 ratio can make 60 glasses of lemon sour! Explore Ozeki Brewery's innovative...
Kavalan Distillery Select No. 1 Single Malt Whisky 700ml 噶瑪蘭珍選No. 1 單一麥芽威士忌 quick view

Kavalan Distillery Select No. 1 Single Malt Whisky 700ml 噶瑪蘭珍選No. 1 單一麥芽威士忌

$680.00 $410.00
All products Best Selling Products Clearance drastically reduced Kavalan Newest Products Whiskey
噶瑪蘭珍選系列,展現酒廠的用桶藝術與精湛純熟的調和工藝,首款用心力作No. 1帶有噶瑪蘭特有的熱帶水果香氣,奶油太妃點綴著木質和香草氣息,柔和且渾厚的多層次口感,尾韻飽滿、甜感悠長。 容量:700ml酒精濃度:40% 色澤深邃的琥珀色 風味熱帶水果的成熟香氣,包覆著滑順的風味,隱約透露著迷人的芬芳 口感甜蜜、輕柔、絲滑入口,平衡的口感為用桶工藝的完美交織 飲用建議適合純飲與調酒
Kavalan Distillery Select No.2 Single Malt Whisky 700ml 噶瑪蘭珍選No. 2單一麥芽威士忌 quick view

Kavalan Distillery Select No.2 Single Malt Whisky 700ml 噶瑪蘭珍選No. 2單一麥芽威士忌

$680.00 $410.00
All products Best Selling Products Clearance drastically reduced Kavalan Newest Products Whiskey
噶瑪蘭珍選No. 2擁有優雅豐沛的花香與草本清香,點綴著柔和木質調性及獨特辛香,入口的馥郁芬香如森林般清新迷人,口感圓潤又輕盈滑順,尾韻淡雅細緻,卓越演繹出極佳平衡的風味篇章。 容量:700ml酒精濃度:40% 色澤明亮金黃色 花香、草本香氣與香草的風味於口中綻放,另融合了溫暖的木質氣息與獨特辛香。層次豐富,尾韻悠長且芳香馥郁。 風味花香、草本香氣與香草的風味於口中綻放,另融合了溫暖的木質氣息與獨特辛香。層次豐富,尾韻悠長且芳香馥郁。 口感圓潤、滑順卻不失個性。追求適合日常品飲的絕佳口感。 飲用建議適合純飲或調酒
Kirin Fuji Single Malt Japanese Whiskey Fuji Gotemba Distillery 700ml quick view

Kirin Fuji Single Malt Japanese Whiskey Fuji Gotemba Distillery 700ml

$680.00 $548.00
All products Best Selling Products Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey KIRIN Newest Products
Alcohol: 46%Volume: 700mlThis single malt whisky is blended exclusively from malt whiskies produced at the Fuji Gotemba Distillery, allowing you to savor the beauty...
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Xianqin PREMIUM Stuffed Kamosu 720ml Xianqin PREMIUM Stuffed Kamosu 720ml quick view

Xianqin PREMIUM Stuffed Kamosu 720ml

$998.00 $448.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products PREMIUM SAKE top sake 清酒 Sake
The rice used is Yamada Nishiki and Anao Kazuo Town produced in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture. Rice polishing steps: Yamada Nishiki 20%, Anao 20%,...
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大嶺酒造3粒米 無濾過生原酒出羽燦々720ml 大嶺酒造三粒米 生產日期2024.2 quick view

大嶺酒造3粒米 無濾過生原酒出羽燦々720ml 大嶺酒造三粒米 生產日期2024.2

$398.00 $235.00
All products Best Selling Products Dairying Shuzo Newest Products Ohmine大嶺酒造 清酒 Sake
Ohmine大嶺酒造三粒米出羽燦々是一款無濾過生原酒 產地: 日本山口縣 酒造名稱: 大嶺酒造株式會社 原料米: 100% 出羽燦燦 精米步合: 50% 酒精度: 15% 無濾過生原酒的特點 「無濾過生原酒」,簡單地說,就是「原汁原味的清酒」。正常的清酒經過壓榨後,會經過過濾、加熱(殺菌)、加水調整酒精含量及風味。而未經過濾的清酒則是指沒有經過以上工序而出廠的清酒。這種清酒的特點是新鮮且令人煥然一新的口感。 Ohmine大嶺酒造三粒米 出羽燦々作為季度限定品,精米步合提升至更出色的50%,絕對是大吟釀的級數。因為是生酒,香氣更加豐富,入口時有著麝香葡萄和蘋果的甘酸味道,適合搭配刺身、壽司、白身魚等鮮味為主的食物。 品酒筆記 香氣豐富,入口時有著麝香葡萄和蘋果的甘酸味道 適合搭配刺身、壽司、白魚等比較淡味的食物 大嶺酒造以其獨特的風格和高品質的清酒在香港和日本都成為令人瘋狂追捧的品牌。Ohmine大嶺酒造三粒米出羽燦々絕對是值得一試的信心之選。
貴州茅台小批量勾兑 375ml 53% quick view

貴州茅台小批量勾兑 375ml 53%

$4,800.00 $2,988.00
All products Best Selling Products Kweichow Moutai Newest Products
小批量勾兌茅台酒每年的產量很小,售量有限,因此只在世界各地最好的免稅店銷售。 免稅小批量勾兌茅台酒,也被熟悉茅台的消費者暱稱為卡慕茅台,是茅台次使用「小批量勾兌」概念,面向大眾市場的茅台酒。 375ml,53度,瓶身上有飛天標誌,右下角有英文「Blended in Small Batches」和中文「小批量勾兌」字樣圖示。 這款酒的品質和口感,因勾兌工藝不同,而區別於普通飛天茅台,適合獨酌自飲,也是送禮佳品。
大嶺酒造3粒米冬季限定品冬之到訪雪女純米濁酒 720ml quick view

大嶺酒造 3粒米 冬季限定品 冬之到訪 雪女 純米濁酒 720ml 三粒米 2024.11產

$480.00 $278.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products Ohmine大嶺酒造 清酒 Sake
Ardbeg Heavy Vapours Limited Edition Single Malt Whisky 700ml quick view

Ardbeg Heavy Vapours Limited Edition Single Malt Whisky 700ml

$1,990.00 $1,468.00
All products Ardbeg Best Selling Products Latest recommendations Newest Products Whiskey
容量: 700ml 酒精度: 46% 雅柏每年艾雷島嘉年華推出的Ardbeg Day 限定款,都是許多威迷們矚目的品項。每年的限定款阿貝都會玩些不一樣的實驗,像是去年的「Ardcore」就是使用「啤酒深色麥芽」來釀造。 而今年的Ardbeg Day究竟又做了什麼實驗呢? 2023的Ardbeg Day 酒款叫「 Heavy Vapours(厚氣)」,這款威士忌是雅柏酒廠第一款不使用淨化器所蒸餾的威士忌。 首先什麼是淨化器呢?淨化器是裝在蒸餾器上,可以增加蒸氣回流的裝置,這樣的裝置讓酒廠能得到更加輕盈的新酒。而阿貝的淨化器是酒廠製程中標誌性的一環,少了它的酒液喝起來究竟會如何? 根據官方介紹,厚氣維持著雅柏威士忌在極致泥炭與花果香味無可匹敵的平衡。首席製酒師比爾.梁思敦博士(Bill Lumsden)讓最濃郁的原酒蒸氣跳過淨化器直接凝結成酒液,打造出生猛厚重的全新雅柏酒款。 其香氣強烈而芬芳,帶有淡淡的甜味,在飲入喉後湧出煤炭夾雜苦甜滋味、薄荷與小荳蔻的味道,在黑巧克力與尤加利葉的風味如雲朵般飄入面前。
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Ardmore Legacy Highland Single Malt Whisky 阿德莫爾 700ml Ardmore Legacy Highland Single Malt Whisky 阿德莫爾 700ml quick view

Ardmore Legacy Highland Single Malt Whiskey Ardmore 700ml

$360.00 $255.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products Whiskey
Alcohol by volume: 40% Capacity: 700ml Ardmore Heritage celebrates the distillery’s unique location, on the edge of the Highlands, delivering a lightly peated spirit...
山元酒造 龍年陶瓷芋燒酎2024生肖酒 720ml 盒裝 附專用木牌和專用底座 quick view

Sanmoto Shuzo Dragon Year Ceramic Taro Shochu 2024 Zodiac Wine 720ml boxed with special wooden sign and special base

$650.00 $488.00
2024 Year of the Dragon Zodiac All products Best Selling Products New Year Recommendations Newest Products Shochu
Capacity: 720ml Alcohol content: 25%Sanmoto Shuzo launches a limited edition ceramic bottle with Year of the Dragon design. This special bottle is perfect as...
須喜酒造 金色吉兆龍年芋燒酎2024 生肖酒 720ml 盒裝 附專用木牌和專用底座 quick view

Suki Shuzo Golden Auspicious Dragon Year Taro Shochu 2024 Zodiac Wine 720ml boxed with special wooden sign and special base

$720.00 $568.00
2024 Year of the Dragon Zodiac All products Best Selling Products New Year Recommendations Newest Products Shochu
Capacity: 720ml Alcohol content: 25%The zodiac sign "Chen (Dragon)" represents lush vegetation. 2024 is the year of "Jiachen". "A" represents the growth of plants...
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Suntory赤玉甜葡萄酒 550ml akadama sweet wine quick view

Suntory akadama sweet wine 550ml akadama sweet wine

$120.00 $88.00
All products Best Selling Products Gather to celebrate the Year of the Dragon with limited time offers Latest Product Newest Products Party Drinks must-have Suntory akadama Suntory Suntory Wine Wine
Capacity: 550mlAlcohol content: 14%Shinjiro Torii, encounter with wineAt the end of the Meiji era, Shinjiro Torii, the founder of Suntory, was passionate about wine...
Mortlach 12 Years Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml 慕赫 Mortlach 12 Years Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml 慕赫 quick view

Mortlach 12 Years Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 700ml

$780.00 $508.00
All products Best Selling Products New Year Recommendations Newest Products Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol: 43.4%This 12-year-old single malt whiskey has been double barrel aged, using European oak and American oak casks to enhance the unique richness...
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Suntory知多穀物威士忌 瓶裝350ml quick view

Suntory Chita Grain Whiskey Bottle 350ml

All products Best Selling Products CHITA Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey Newest Products SUNTORY Suntory Suntory Suntory
Alcohol content: 43%Capacity: 350mlOrigin: Japan The Chita Single Grain Whiskey is a grain whiskey under the Suntory Group. It is made by the Aichi...
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獺祭 三割九分 純米大吟釀 盒裝 1800ml quick view

Dassai Three Cuts and Nine Points Junmai Daiginjo Boxed 1800ml

$768.00 $528.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 1800mlAlcohol content: 16% When you drink it, it exudes a gorgeous and rich aroma, with a sweetness like honey, and a long aftertaste....
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獺祭 二割三分 純米大吟釀 1800ml 獺祭 二割三分 純米大吟釀 1800ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo 1800ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 1800mlAlcohol content: 16%Carton/wooden box shipped randomly Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo....
獺祭 二割三分 純米大吟釀 盒裝 720ml quick view

Dassai 2/3 Junmai Daiginjo Box 720ml

$598.00 $468.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16% Using Yamada Nishiki that has been ground to only 23%, challenge to make the best junmai daiginjo. It has an...
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户河內威士忌咖啡利口酒 Togouchi Whisky Blended Coffee Liqueur 500ml quick view

Togouchi Whiskey Coffee Liqueur Togouchi Whiskey Blended Coffee Liqueur 500ml

All products Best Selling Products Latest Product Liqueur Newest Products Party Drinks must-have Sakurao SAKURAO Distillery 戶河內 TOGOUCHI
Capacity: 500mlAlcohol content: 18%Togouchi whiskey as the base, liqueur mixed with coffeeAroma : The aroma derived from coffee is rich and deep, blending with...
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Suntory Yamazaki山崎不銹鋼Highball杯 quick view

Suntory Yamazaki Yamazaki Stainless Steel Highball Cup

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products Suntory Suntory Wine glasses and accessories Yamazaki YAMAZAKI
Material: 18-8 stainless steelOrigin: JapanSize: Caliber 69×Height 155 mm (plate thickness 1.2 mm)Capacity: about 335 mlThe Yamazaki Highball Cup has The exquisite luster of...
Suntory碧Ao World Whisky 700ml 盒裝 Suntory碧Ao World Whisky 700ml 盒裝 quick view

Suntory Ao World Whiskey 700ml

$818.00 $578.00
All products Best Selling Products Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey Newest Products SUNTORY Ao Suntory Suntory
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 43% Suntory Ao's name in Japan refers to a color that signifies blue, representing the ocean and connecting the symbols of...
Angostura Orange Bitters 香橙味苦精 100ml 雞尾酒調酒 quick view

Angostura Orange Bitters 100ml Cocktail Mixing

$260.00 $148.00
All products Angostura Best Selling Products Newest Products
Capacity: 100mlAlcohol content: 28%ANGOSTURA Orange Bitters is made according to a special recipe and is a complex mixture of tropical oranges and spices. Known...
Ardbeg Uigeadail 700ml quick view

Ardbeg Uigeadail 700ml

$950.00 $745.00
All products Ardbeg Best Selling Products Clearance drastically reduced Newest Products Whiskey
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 54.2% Ardbeg Uigeadail (pronounced "Oog-a-dal") is a single malt whiskey originating from the famous Ardbeg distillery on the Scottish island of...
貴州茅台酒53度100ml i茅台 飛天茅台 貴州茅台酒53度100ml i茅台 飛天茅台 quick view

Kweichow Moutai 53% 100ml i Moutai Feitian Moutai

$1,100.00 $848.00
All products Best Selling Products Chinese Liquor Chinese Liquor Kweichow Moutai made in China New Year Recommendations Newest Products
Alcohol content: 53%Capacity: 500mlOrigin: China Derived from one of the most famous liquors in China, Kweichow Moutai is known for its unique brewing process...
KOMASA GIN櫻島小橘子 瓶裝 500ml 小正釀造 KOMASA GIN櫻島小橘子 瓶裝 500ml 小正釀造 quick view

KOMASA GIN Sakurajima Orange Bottled 500ml Komasa Brewing

$470.00 $360.00
All products Best Selling Products Clearance drastically reduced Gin Japanese handmade GIN gin KOMASA 小正釀造 GIN Latest Product Newest Products 特色力嬌酒 Liqueurs
Capacity: 500ml Alcohol content: 45% InJapanKagoshimaPrefecture, there is a kind of small orange that looks like a winter style painting--Sakurashima small みかん, which is...
響17年 酒版 50ml Suntory Hibiki 17 Years Old Whisky 響17年 酒版 50ml Suntory Hibiki 17 Year Old Whisky quick view

17 Year Old Whisky 50ml Suntory Hibiki 17 Year Old Whisky

All products Best Selling Products Hibiki HIBIKI Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey Newest Products SUNTORY Suntory Suntory Suntory
Capacity: 50mlAlcohol content: 43% Hibiki 17 Years Old, whose full name is Yamazaki Hibiki 17 Years Single Malt Japanese Whiskey, is one of the...
山櫻調和威士忌 Fine Blended Whisky Yamazakura 盒裝 700ml 安積蒸留所 山櫻調和威士忌 Fine Blended Whisky Yamazakura 瓶裝 700ml 安積蒸留所 quick view

Yamazakura Fine Blended Whiskey Yamazakura Bottled 700ml Azumi Steaming House

$598.00 $338.00
All products Best Selling Products Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey Newest Products other Yamazakura YAMAZAKURA series (Sasagawa Shuzo)
Raw materials: malt, grainAlcohol concentration: 40%Capacity: 700mlSelected malt and grain whiskey are perfectly blended, with a mild taste, smooth entrance, and a touch of...
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磯自慢 一滴入魂 東條山田錦 大吟釀 720ml quick view

Isojiman, one drop into the soul, Tojo Yamada Nishiki Daiginjo 720ml

$728.00 $398.00
All products Best Selling Products New Year Recommendations Newest Products PREMIUM SAKE 清酒 Sake
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16%Under the spirit of "one drop into the soul", the brewer poured all his passion into this fine wine among. It...
島梟甘熟SWEET 21年 500ml 盒裝 甜酒 島梟甘熟SWEET 21年 500ml 盒裝 甜酒 quick view

Island Owl Sweet Sweet Wine 21 Years 500ml Boxed Sweet Wine

All products Best Selling Products Brandy Japanese Brandy New Year Recommendations Newest Products
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 18%Dao Xiao Gan Ripe SWEET 21 years is a limited-production fruit liqueur, produced by Crafted from Tokachi brandy in Hokkaido, Kokubu....
磯自慢 28 Nobilmente 大吟釀 2023 720ml quick view

Isoziman 28 Nobilmente Daiginjo 2023 720ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products PREMIUM SAKE top sake 清酒 Sake
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 16%This wine is carefully crafted from Yamada Nishiki from Tojo Akitsu in the Special A area of ​​Hyogo Prefecture It is...
户河內Togouchi Beer Cask Finish Japanese Blended Whisky 盒裝 700ml 戸河内啤酒桶混合威士忌 quick view

Togouchi Beer Cask Finish Japanese Blended Whiskey Box 700ml Togouchi Beer Cask Finish Japanese Blended Whiskey

All products Best Selling Products Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey Latest recommendations Newest Products Sakurao SAKURAO Distillery 戶河內 TOGOUCHI
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 40%This Japanese blend is post-aged in IPA beer barrels with a rich aroma. Whiskey Tokawachi beer barrel is finished, its flavor...
Sakurao Original Japanese Dry Gin 櫻尾原味琴酒 700ml 日本手工琴酒 Sakurao Original Japanese Dry Gin 櫻尾原味琴酒 700ml 日本手工琴酒 quick view

Sakurao Original Japanese Dry Gin 700ml Japanese handmade gin

$480.00 $298.00
All products Best Selling Products Gin Japanese handmade GIN gin Newest Products
Capacity: 700ml Alcohol content: 47%A refined Japanese dry gin, unique in its use of specialty botanicals from Hiroshima. This wine not only contains traditional...
Ichiro's Malt And Grain White Label 瓶裝 700ml 秩父白葉 quick view

Ichiro's Malt And Grain White Label Bottle 700ml Chichibu White Label

$780.00 $578.00
All products Best Selling Products ICHIRO'S MALT 秩父蒸餾所 Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey Newest Products
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 46%This Ichiro's Malt&Grain White Label whiskey is a blend of a variety of single malt and grain spirits. A blend of...
島梟 十勝白蘭地 北海道熟成30年 700ml 島梟 十勝白蘭地 北海道熟成30年 700ml quick view

Shima Owl Tokachi Brandy Hokkaido Aged 30 Years 700ml

$2,988.00 $1,798.00
All products Best Selling Products Brandy Brandy - Banner Japanese Brandy Newest Products OLD AND RARE
Shima Owl Tokachi Brandy, aged for 30 years in Hokkaido, is a precious Japanese brandy carefully brewed by Shima Obi, Hokkaido, Kokubu. This brandy...
百年之孤獨麥燒酎 盒裝 720ml quick view

Hundred Years of Lonely Wheat Shochu Box 720ml

$898.00 $648.00
All products Best Selling Products Newest Products Shochu
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol content: 40%A top-quality soju carefully brewed by traditional craft techniques and long years. After sleeping quietly, this raw wine takes on a...
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獺祭 三割九分 純米大吟釀 瓶裝 720ml quick view

Dassai 30% Junmai Daiginjo, bottled 720ml

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products 清酒 Sake 獺祭 Dassai
Capacity: 720mlAlcohol Content: 16% Daiginjo Dassai 39 is a famous Japanese Junmai Daiginjo sake brewed by Asahi Shuzo. This sake is renowned for its...
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梵 超吟 純米大吟醸 盒裝 720ml 皇室献上酒 quick view

FAN Chao Yin Junmai Daiginjo Boxed 720ml Royal Offering Sake Production Date 2023.11

All products Best Selling Products Newest Products
Alcohol Content: 16-17%Volume: 720mlProduction Date: 2023.11Polishing Ratio: 20%Alcohol Content: 16-17 degreesSake Meter Value: +2.0Acidity: 1.3 Fanshui Sake is a famous sake from Fukui Prefecture....
貴州茅台王子酒 金王子 53度 500ml 貴州茅台王子酒 金王子 53度 500ml quick view

Kweichow Moutai Prince (Golden Prince) 53% 500ml

$600.00 $548.00
All products Best Selling Products Chinese Liquor Chinese Liquor Kweichow Moutai made in China New Year Recommendations Newest Products
Alcohol: 53%Capacity: 500mlOrigin: China Moutai Prince is the first Maotai-flavor series wine product launched by Kweichow Moutai Liquor Co., Ltd. Completely adhering to the...
Suntory 角瓶啤酒杯/威士忌Hignball杯 375ml Suntory 角瓶啤酒杯/威士忌Hignball杯 375ml quick view

Suntory Corner Beer Glass/Whiskey Hignball Cup 375ml

All products Best Selling Products Clearance drastically reduced Newest Products Summer Value Selection Suntory Suntory Wine glasses and accessories
Product manufacturing country: Japan Dimensions: diameter 75 × height 140 mm (weight about 540 grams) Capacity: about 375 ml Popular in both TV commercials...
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Kirin富士Fuji Single Blended Japanese Whisky富士御殿場蒸溜所 瓶裝 700ml ISC 2023 GOLD quick view

Kirin Fuji Single Blended Japanese Whiskey Fuji Gotemba Distillery Bottle 700ml (ISC 2023 GOLD)

$680.00 $548.00
All products Best Selling Products Fuji foothills series Japanese Whiskey Japanese Whiskey KIRIN New Year Recommendations Newest Products
Alcohol concentration: 43%Capacity: 700 ml bottleFuji Gotemba Distillery only uses malt whiskey and grain whiskey for blending. You can feel the beauty of Mount...
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3粒米夏純 山田錦 純米大吟釀 1800ml 大嶺酒造 三粒米 3粒米夏純 山田錦 純米大吟釀 1800ml 大嶺酒造 三粒米 quick view

3-Grain Rice Natsumi Yamada Nishiki Junmai Daiginjo 1800ml Dailing Shuzo 3-Grain Rice

$520.00 $400.00
All products Best Selling Products Dairying Shuzo Newest Products Ohmine大嶺酒造 清酒 Sake
Capacity: 700mlAlcohol content: 14.5%Da Ling Shuzo 3-grain Rice Summer Jun is carefully crafted by Dai Ling Shuzo in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan A summer-limited brew....
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根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.